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  Royal Education Institutions promoted by the Dr. Gunasingh Immanuel in the year 1983. Its sole aim was to impart instruction to the students in the latest technologies. The college saw qualitative and quantitative expansion in the ensuing years. The courses were designed with a view to broaden the knowledge of the students, impart new skills for employability and develop their personality.
  This institution aims to contribute to the development of highly qualified professionals. Because of the vital importance of the Nursing. Our College is aimed to product very best professionals in this field to help the society.
  Our ardent mission is to groom educators and equip them with up to date scientific knowledge and skills related to education, to be creative, motivated, self-confident, self reliant and using teaching strategies in tune with the changing scenario, without compromising on quality. We shall strive to train our student teachers to adopt a life - related, student - centered and development - oriented approach in their work so as to maximise learning and pave the way for the fullest development of the creative and productive potentials in their young wards.
Royal College of Pharmacy and Para Medical Sciences
Royal College of Nursing
M.M. Institute of Medical Sciences (School of Nursing)
Ellen College of Nursing
St. Mark's Teacher Training Institute
St. Mark's College of Education
Royal I.T.I
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